The Gentle Mind


Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy and Taylor Swift
I’m a big fan of Ryan Holiday. He has a website called Daily Stoic, a TikTok presence, and writes books and lectures about Stoicism. Hear me out, please. This isn’t me piggybacking on Taylor’s fame, merely showing you how, whatever the obstacle that’s put in your way, you can recover. It’s just a state of […]
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Why is HR so stressful? How Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy can help
At its root, HR stress is often caused by one simple thing. You’re always being pulled in different directions. Talent comes and moans and complains to you. You’re answerable to senior management - and when the two are incompatible: Boom! You’re the perfect storm. HR leaders are uniquely placed inside daily operations to see and […]
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The top ten HR issues and how a Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist can help
According to recruitment software developers, Logic Melon, these are the top ten issues HR professionals have to deal with: Recruitment and selection Hiring and retaining the best talent Employee relations Communicating with the team Retention and Termination Staff motivation and development Career Development Employee Benefits Performance Evaluation Employee Wellbeing And you’re now thinking, “Tell me […]
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Hypnotherapy for business owners
When it’s going well it’s a great feeling. You love working for yourself, being the boss, you don’t want others telling you what to do, the straight jacket of the corporate world. On the other hand, there’s cash flow to manage, marketing your value, making the sales funnel work, the competition, and the head-scratching thought […]
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Relax - take the learnings from your leadership mistakes
“Leadership is like art, cooking and golf. You can never perfect it. You can only ever improve”. So the old adage goes. But you can close the gaps and be better placed for success. Limit the trial and error. And as a leader, everyone’s looking to you. So if you’re ineffective, so is your team. […]
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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and hypnosis for GCSE exam stress
This can be an emotional time. Everyone - it seems - is more sorted than you. There’s always someone in your group who boasts about how little revision they’ve done. There’s always someone in your group who boasts about how much revision they’ve done. It can be the first time in your life you’re facing […]
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Reduce stress in pregnancy with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and hypnosis
What is this about? In the last 20 years, understanding of babies' emotions in and out of the womb has increased - the sadness, anger and happiness. There is now more knowledge on how a foetus behaves. Maternal stress is a big part of this. Antenatal stress and the effects on the foetus and child […]
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Workplace stress, anxiety and depression: How you can help your team
Your team are your greatest business asset. It’s natural that you want to ensure their working environment is as stress-free as possible, and help combat feelings of stress in the workplace when they occur. The Centre for Mental Health found that Mental health problems at work cost the UK economy £34.9bn last year, with a […]
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Purge pandemic stress: How COVID-19 has created a mental health epidemic
Figures from the government and studies from mental health charities have revealed mental health has sharply declined since March 2020.
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