The Gentle Mind

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy - use it for life, not just Christmas

Christmas;  the season of goodwill to all. But will you be kind to yourself?

For a lot of us it’s simply added pressure. I know, not the most cheery of messages. It makes me some sort of Grinch and Scrooge character rolled into one. It’s not meant to be. My whole reason for being is to create a sense of calm and resilience in people, but it all starts with honesty. What’s really happening in your life.

Christmas; what could possibly go wrong?

January is notoriously the month when relationships are most likely to end, with the nickname ‘Divorce Day’ being given to to January 3rd.

Why? That ‘perfect Christmas’ image. It isn’t always so.

You may have stuck with a partner through a summer and into the autumn months but are starting to struggle, find it increasingly difficult to alter how they think, feel and act.

Holidays, parties, presents, plans, and family events are all booked and organised. There’s so much emphasis on everyone being happy that nobody wants to admit cracks are appearing at this time.

And no one wants to be alone, deal with the upset surrounding a break up - especially when children are involved - at this time of year. In addition, you may feel you have stay together for the sake of the children.

It’s also easy to mask it in the hectic rush before Christmas - work do’s, children’s concerts, parties.

Then there’s family tensions. Underlying feuds and differences that come to the surface again - especially after a few days together (and drinks).

Plus being the perfect provider. Getting everything right, down to the last detail - and feeling you’re being judged.

Finally to top it all off along comes January and all the bills for the previous month of overspending. This elevates stress levels with finances often being a flashpoint.

Take the pressure off yourself with hypnosis and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

‘Cognitive Behavioural Therapy’, ‘hypnosis’ and ‘Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy’. Impressive words, but what do they mean for you?

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis come from the Greek word for sleep. And it’s not helpful. During hypnosis you’re not asleep. You’re just in a deeply relaxed state. That’s all. It simply means you’re more receptive to my words. It’s called suggestibility. A better way of describing what’s happening to you is to say that you’re focussing your attention over and above what you normally would. That way it makes it easier for you to act on my words and change your behaviour for the better.

Basically take away any negative thoughts of Christmas.

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy

This is using hypnosis specifically to take away the negatives you think about Christmas. Here are some examples:

The thoughtWhen you relax and see things for what they are
“I hope everyone’s having a good time”.“I can’t control how others think, feel and act. Just do my best”.
“We’ll row again”.“I’ll be calm. Other people’s feelings are their business”.
“January will be bleak”.“January’s not happened yet. No point in worrying about what hasn’t happened”.
“I feel I’m being judged. Have to make everything just perfect”.“Only if you tell yourself so. Relax. Enjoy. Other people’s thoughts are their business”.

What is Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a talking therapy, and basically, it’s looking at how you’re thinking, feeling and acting. Then focusing on where you’re ‘out of sorts’ and getting you back on track to being a better version of yourself. Calmer and more resilient.

And the best way to land this message deep inside you is using hypnosis, hence the name Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy,

Who am I?

I’m James Thomas, a Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist. I’ve used hypnosis thousands of times to deal with clients’ stresses, anxieties, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, PTSD, overeating, low self-esteem, eczema, and anger, to name but a few.

I cover all of Lincolnshire with my rooms in Louth and Lincoln.

Now, go and give yourself the greatest Christmas present of all time. Be kind to yourself.

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