The Gentle Mind

How to be a better leader

Everyone is a leader in some way. But not everyone is a good leader.


We don’t always see what we’re supposed to do.

Our children look to us for guidance. Our team at work for inspiration. Our friends when times get tough.

Countless times per year you are looked to for leadership and countless times you have the opportunity to make a real positive difference to the people around us.

But that doesn’t always happen. Sometimes, we are overwhelmed, anxious, stressed, uncertain of what action to take.

What is the cost of not living up to your potential as a leader? To you and those around you?

It’s a missed promotion at work, an unnecessary argument at home, a lack of respect from peers, a feeling from your children that you don’t care: won’t help, aren’t there for them.

But bigger than that, it can be a reason you don’t reach your full potential.

No matter what your situation, it’s always possible to become a better leader. To make situations and people better.

But great leaders aren’t born, they’re made.

It’s something you have to work at.

“What leaders do is they make situations and people better… At the end of the day, the essence of what they do is they strategically and practically…move people to be different”.
—Randall Stutman

In effect, leadership is less a position and more a process. And it takes time.

Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy and hypnosis for better leadership

Invariably what stops you from being a better leader is what stops you in life full stop.

You can’t see that others are looking at you for leadership because you’re:

  • stressed (don’t be, we can work on this)
  • anxious (don’t be, we can work on this)
  • lacking confidence (stop this, let’s look at the observable facts)
  • feeling judged (of course you are, but don’t let it bother you)
  • under pressure (forget it, let’s break things down and enjoy the process).

Alternatively, what you can see that’s standing in the way of your leadership is that you’re:

  • stressed (don’t be, we can work on this)
  • anxious (don’t be, we can work on this)
  • lacking confidence (stop this, let’s look at the observable facts)
  • feeling judged (of course you are, but don’t let it bother you)
  • under pressure (forget it, let’s break things down and enjoy the process).

Either way you see it we can work on this. Basically, I can change the way you think feel and act, so you’re more likely to achieve a better outcome.

This thinking your way out of a situation was well summed up like this:

“No role is so well suited to philosophy as the one you happen to be in right now.”
—Marcus Aurelius

And that’s exactly where we start. Where you are now. I’ll teach you how to relax. Create a sense of calm in you. See things for what they are. Reduce the meaning and allow you to make better decisions.

Hmmm, that seems strange. A Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist talking about leadership.

From the outset, I’d agree. But before I was a hypnotherapist I worked at board level in advertising agencies around the world.

Heading up departments of hundreds of people. Sometimes we were greater than the sum of our parts, sometimes heads went down. It was my job to keep everyone happy, trusting me and winning new business.

And what I learnt was this.

When everyone felt valued, they were calm. And when they were calm they, in turn, would make better decisions. It was a state of mind that ran through everyone.


Contact me at or call 07787563099.

There’s a calmer version of you in there somewhere that makes you a better leader.

And working together we can bring it out of you.

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